Weight Loss Management in Bloomfield Hills, MI

Weight loss could be tricky for many individuals, despite keeping a diet and activity regimen. Also, there are numerous contributors that may influence your aptitude for shedding weight efficiently, including hormone changes and other health concerns. At Top Tier Wellness and Beauty Medspa, our weight loss management team works with Bloomfield Hills, MI clients to understand their current health and weight loss desires as a way to work out an individualized weight loss program. This may be combined with food and exercise strategies, peptide and enriched supplements, LipoDissolve™ for body contouring, semaglutide injections, nutrition counseling, and additional follow-ups. Quite a number of Bloomfield Hills, MI clients have successfully lost weight throughout our weight loss plans, and we would love to help you do so, too. Get in touch with our team now to hear more information and to schedule your consultation.

Your individualized weight loss management plan will begin with an appointment at our Bloomfield Hills, MI practice where our team will provide a comprehensive medical evaluation and exam. We will go over the existing status of your health, history, and weight loss goals to identify your requirements and objectives. Following this, we can find a personalized weight loss strategy that could consist of both a dietary and exercise program, along with supplements and supplemental procedures based on your health. Your personalized weight loss management plan could include:

Semaglutide: Initially formulated to help individuals with type 2 diabetes regulate blood sugar levels, semaglutide injections, such as Ozempic®, have been used for chronic weight management. By triggering the brain's response of feeling full or satisfied, these peptide injections can reduce hunger and food cravings. Unlike other weight loss medications, semaglutide does not cause jitters, a racing heart, or sleep issues. Semaglutide injections are typically administered once a week under the skin, usually in the stomach, thighs, or upper arms. Your treatment plan may vary, but it is common for clients to undergo injections for at least 5 – 6 months.

LipoDissolve: These nonsurgical injections most commonly consist of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and deoxycholate (DC), which are used to break up and dissolve unwanted pockets of fat, as well as reduce the appearance of cellulite. LipoDissolve can be beneficial for several areas, including the thighs, butt, back, arms, abdomen, chin, and knees, which may not be responsive to diet and exercise. Following your treatment, you may experience some slight swelling or redness around the injection site. It is recommended that you do not participate in any vigorous physical activities for at least 48 hours following the injections. For many clients, a series of LipoDissolve treatments may be needed to produce optimal results. Typically, 4 – 6 treatments are recommended about 2 – 4 weeks apart. This treatment is not intended to be a weight loss strategy. Instead, it is a safe and effective body-shaping treatment with little to no downtime.

Maintaining a healthy weight plays a pivotal role in achieving optimal wellness. It involves a combination of a balanced diet, supplements, regular physical activity, and positive lifestyle changes. The benefits of managing weight loss are numerous with our help at Top Tier Wellness and Beauty Medspa and can significantly improve both the physical and mental health of Bloomfield Hills, MI individuals. These advantages include:

  • Improved heart health
  • Enhanced mobility
  • Better sleep quality
  • Increased energy levels
  • Improved blood sugar control
  • Boosted mental health
  • Longer life expectancy

Dr. Britt really upholds her name in business and creates a top tier experience for her clients. I received lipo injections to help with weight loss. Not only did she provide excellent service but also gave me other weight loss tips. Go see her! ✨

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If you haven't been able to get to your goal weight, our effective weight loss program at Top Tier Wellness and Beauty Medspa may be just what you want to catalyze your plan for better health. With a customized weight loss management plan, our team will work with you to achieve your goals as soon as possible. Our weight loss providers in Bloomfield Hills, MI are ready to assist you so contact our team today.

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