Our Team

Top Tier Wellness and Beauty Medspa is proud to feature a highly trained team of medical aesthetic professionals with unique abilities who all function together to generate gorgeous outcomes for our clients in Bloomfield Hills, MI. Every one of our aesthetic specialists is trained to utilize our contemporary selection of technology, such as our microneedling pen and cosmetic injectables. To help you achieve the look you want, our experts will learn about you on a singular level so they can recognize your desires and concerns and prepare a treatment plan that adequately addresses them. Each representative of our team greatly treasures the relationships they have established with the individuals they've come across from the Detroit, MI metro area.


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Nurse Injector and Manager

Nurse Injector

Nurse Injector

Ready To Get Started?

Let's Connect

43700 Woodward Ave, Suite 301

Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302

Call: 313-349-2554

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.